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Showing posts from 2019

The Mask

I decided to choose 'faces and masks ' as the theme for my paintings  and poem.. Masks are used in many parts of the world as an art form,sometimes signifies a religious belief and sometimes just transforms a person into someone completely different! The Mask The audience stood, clapping their hands Lauding his acting and his dance. Stunning was his attire and his mask His talent waiting eagerly to uncask! He was feeling lonely and low in confidence , The mask came in to rescue just that instance. He roared and walked with style and pizazz Gleaming was he like a shiny topaz! The mask is his new saviour and friend, His low esteem is now on the mend! His low esteem is now on the mend! Maneesha Purandare 1.12.19

Gargi goes to Uni!

Gargi goes to Oxford Uni!! As you head off to Uni this week, I am fighting mixed feelings. I know you are ready and eager to go. Eager to go freewheeling! Part of me wants you to take the plunge and explore what the brain wants to know. But the clingy, terrified maternal part — wants to pull you close and not let you go. You may ache ,you may hit some turbulent waters. But i am sure you will enjoy the moments of growth and emerge a winning yatcher! Always remember that you are loved And that i want the best for you.. Don't hesitate to call us dearest be it 1am or maybe two! Spread your wings ,enjoy your life and be the woman you want to be. Explore this beautiful world With a mind that is open and free. Explore this beautiful world With a mind that is open and free. Maneesha Purandare WGC 5.10..19

सहा वारी साडी

सहा वारी वस्त्र जेव्हा , ल्यायली सुंदर ललना नजरा साऱ्या जगाच्या तिच्या वरूनि अजिबातच हलेना! शिफॉन , बनारसी, पाटोला चंदेरी अमाप रंग आणि अफाट किनारी, गुंडाळून ते 6 वारी वस्त्र म्हणतो कमनीय बांधा सौन्दर्य आणि शालीनतेने आता इथेच एकत्र नांदा! असो पोक्त स्त्री वा असो षोडसवर्षीय चपळ बाला साडीत लपेटता चढते स्फुरण तिजला आणिक सुंदर मधुर घाला. नवी नवरी सजली ग सुंदर शालू अन shelyat अलंकाराच तिचा तो , जपून ठेवील बंद संदुकीत. शुभ्र साडी वाढवी सौन्दर्य आणि मान मरातब अदब सर्वच ललना दिसती सुरूप नाही कुरूप किंवा बेढब, असो लग्न , असो पूजा किंवा साधा कार्यक्रम लुगडे तिचे अविरात चालवी मर्यादेच्या नित्यक्रम पेहराव साडीचा आवडे मजला झाला कधी न तिरस्कार अविरत आणि निरंतर राहू देत सुंदर रंगांचा हा अविष्कार अविरत आणि निरंतर राहू देत सुंदर रंगांचा हा अविष्कार सौ मनीषा पुरंदरे 23,00 9,8,19

चाकोरी/ क्षितिज

चाकोरी चाकोरी चाकोरी बद्ध जीवन आपुले त्या चाकोरिताच राहूया उगीच नात्यांना नाव देऊन नकोच गम्मत घालवूया. स्वच्छंदी राहू ,हसू बागडू नकोत विषय विच्छेदन ते, दोन घटिकेचे सवंगडी आपण गुंफूया दिवस सुंदर ते, खमंग भरीताच्या करूया गप्पा नातं आपुले गाठेल पुढचा टप्पा गोडाचे जेवण असो की झणझणीत ठेचा सुंदर सकाळ म्हणते मेनू तुमचा तुम्हीच ठरवा! ठेच लागली तिथे तुला दुखणे मात्र होई मजला. खत घालिशे तिथे रोपांना तरारून येई गुलाब इथला! सत्यभामा भुलवी कृष्णाला लाघवी मनाने आणि सौन्दर्याने पण मनावर त्याच्या राज्य केले सखी सुंदर राधेने! स्वप्न ही कधीतरीच पडतात मने देखील क्वचितच जुळतात, चांदणीला मात्र राहू देत दूर तिथेच क्षितिजा समवेत! दूर तिथेच क्षितिजा समवेत मनीषा पुरंदरे 1.8.19 23.40

प्राजक्त मैत्रीचा

दोन क्षणांचे मित्र आपण आता नाहीत शपथा नाहीत भाका, निर्मल जलासारखे खळखळून हसुया वावरणार नाहीत तिथे करुणा वा असूया. प्राजक्ता सम चांदणी व्हावं थेट बकुळीचे वेड लयांव श्वेत मोगऱ्यासावे तरताराव नाजूक गुलाबासवे लीन व्हाहव, दूर क्षितिजावर हसतील तारे म्हणतील धुंद मृदगंध कोण अहा रे? प्रांजळ कबुली देतो समीर असें हे मैत्रीचे पवित्र क्षीर! नाही हव्यास ,नाही सलगी आनंद नाचे वाजवीत हलगी वेचित आनंदाचे शिंपले,उल्हासाचे लेण लेऊया संकोच ना करिती इंद्रधनु ही, रंग आपुले मागाय! संकोच ना करिती इंद्रधनु ही ,रंग आपुले मागाय! सौ मनीषा पुरंदरे Welwyn garden city 30.7.19 23.37


Serene were the surroundings All I could hear was my heart beats. I touched the earth and felt rooted How calming was this simple treat! The soft sand escaping away Catching up with the waves . Unravelling paths in my restless aves! The fluffy clouds of giggles Melted away my woes. Making me forget all the miseries and foes! Chatting with my friends was so relaxing and rewarding. Offering all the joy of stream of water clear and free flowing! Simplest are the pleasures that rock ones heart. Good enough a reason to recharge and restart!! Happiness is within you and not lying somewhere there. Making hope your friend wiping off the fog of despair! Making hope your friend wiping off the fog of despair! Background.. It's always important to spend those invaluable moments with your friends! The innocent happiness derived thus knows no bounds! Maneesha Purandare WGC 21.02.19

Mirage and Corsage

I had just turned from when I first saw you Footprints in summer dust as if we drew. As you came down the steps we met, All we did that day was mingle great . You said I have a contagious smile All you did was looked at my lips all the while. I opened my eyes and woke up in a haze, But missing was your admiring n fascinated gaze! Gone was the bluish patch on the ground, The beautiful serene pond was nowhere to be found ! The heat of your passion melted my heart, Deeply rooted stayed the emotions but broke them far apart! Woven was this dream or was it just a mirage? Nevertheless has left behind a fragrant corsage . Nevertheless has left behind a fragrant corsage . Maeesha Purandare 7.2.19 WGC 22.55


Stranger! Trembling were his hands, quivering were his lips. Gazing were his eyes jotting many scripts! He moved gently and rested his hand on the pillar .. Oblivious to both the worlds outside and inner! The pillar , was a witness to those beautiful moments. It opened her heart and left rules to lament! Sowing was he seeds of love this handsome granger. Changing was he ,the definition of the word stranger! Was it a moment of truth or was it a jiff of deceit ? No,it was a mask that engaged their minds, And soon set their hearts free to beat,! And soon set their hearts free to beat,! Maneesha Purandare WGC 10.01.19 12.30 am