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Baadshah ki Fateh ho sssss...


Emperor Akbar, in his infinite wisdom, decided, "Hey, let's spice things up a bit in Agra" So, he summoned his architects and builders and proclaimed, "Build me a fortress fit for a king!" And thus, the majestic Fatehpur Sikri was born!

Inside this grand building lie treasures beyond imagination, like Jodha Bai's Palace, a sprawling abode that puts other queenly dwellings to shame! Picture this: a courtyard so vast, you could play hide and seek with elephants, a Tulsi vrindavan right in the center of the courtyard and a Krishna temple blessing you from the front. But wait, there's more! The walls are adorned with carvings that scream Rajputana-Persian art fusion, and, get this, even the kitchen has a flair for fashion with earrings etched into the walls! Legend has it, whenever Jodhabai whipped up a culinary masterpiece for Akbar, he'd play the ultimate guessing game: "Pick an earring, any earring, and I'll turn it into gold for you!" Now, if only Jodhabai had wished for a top-tier chef instead... Oh, the royal woes!

The next monument was Diwan-E-khas a.k.a the VIP lounge of the fort where : Emperor Akbar, held important discussions with scholars and administrators from every nook and corner of the world. This was where the dancers and courtesans entertained the guests too.
Now, let's talk about the ambiance. With no Edison bulbs in sight, the palace relied on a million candles to light up the joint.  But here's the kicker: imagine if there was a clumsy queen or a bumbling servant (sound familiar?) knocking over candles left and right. Disaster in the making, folks! Thankfully, fate spared the palace from fiery fiascos, and we're left with just the memory of a good ol' dance-off in the glow of a billion flickering flames. Phew!

Akbar decided to immortalize his gratitude for his clairvoyant Sufi saint, Salim Chisti, by erecting a grand monument in his honour. Legend has it, tying a thread blessed by the khwajas  at the tomb's windows grants wishes, but beware! The entrepreneurial Khwajas outside have turned wish fulfillment into a lucrative business, offering "chaddar chadhaoing" packages for your dreams. Cash-strapped? No worries, they've embraced modernity with Paytm codes and card machines, leaving you no choice but to surrender to their schemes, lest your future wishes go unfulfilled in this comic twist on ancient traditions!

We then strolled over to the 'khwabgah', or as I like to call it, the palace of dreams. It's where Emperor Akbar caught his Z's. Now, this place is no ordinary bedchamber—the bed is  perched up high on a podium, so high you'd need a ladder just to say goodnight! And get this—the floor used to be flooded with fragrant rose water . One to chill the room, the other to keep sneaky foes from sneaking in. Legend has it, Akbar was vertically challenged, and maybe, just maybe, his "short man syndrome" led him to build his bed up in the clouds! But hey, who am I to judge? Maybe he just liked the view!

As I stood in awe of the grandeur of Fatehpur Sikri, my mind couldn't help but wander back to the incredible legacy of Akbar the Great. At the mere age of thirteen, while I was probably fretting over which outdoor game to play, Akbar was donning the robes of an emperor, ready to tackle the complexities of ruling an empire.

But what truly left me impressed was Akbar's genius in embracing diversity and fostering harmony. While I'm busy contemplating whether to binge-watch Netflix or catch up on my reading list, Akbar was busy concocting a whole new religion, blending elements from Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Sufism, and Zoroastrianism like a clever alchemist!

So, as I left Fatehpur Sikri, marveling at its architectural splendor, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of admiration for Akbar's ability to juggle the weight of an empire while championing secularism and embracing the rich world of cultures and traditions.

Talk about setting the bar high for rulers everywhere!....


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