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Through the window..


As Kiran and I sat in the  corner of the Mexican restaurant in London, we were treated to a spectacle both inside and out. The restaurant, despite its small size, boasted expansive windows that made it feel surprisingly spacious. The staff, oh so chic and glamorous, were like eye candy for all the patrons, offering a feast for the senses along with the delicious food.

As I savoured my hibiscus mezcalita, I couldn't help but chuckle at the scene outside. London's typical wet and rainy evening had turned the bustling streets into a stage for a diverse array of characters. From the meticulously prepared with their umbrellas to the carefree souls embracing the rain, each passerby seemed to have their own story to tell.

But it was the couple sat next to us that stole the show. A young, cute, white pair, with the boyfriend epitomizing the quintessential English gentleman complete with a neatly folded brolly by his side. It was clear he was the type to ensure his girlfriend's hair stayed impeccable even in the rain once they left the restaurant!!

Yet, the real twist came when the waitress surprised him with a shot of tequila and a sparkler, marking his birthday in the quirkiest of fashions. With his shot in one hand, a sparkler in the other, and his girlfriend softly serenading him with a rendition of "Happy Birthday," the poor lad was a delightful mix of embarrassment, joy, and a hint of wanting to dive under the table.

It was a moment that perfectly captured the essence of life's unexpected delights. Who knew that a shot and a sparkler could turn an ordinary evening into a memory to cherish? As we chuckled at the sight, I couldn't help but agree that life is indeed about those quirky moments that make it all sparkle. 

Cheers to the unexpected, the amusing, and the downright delightful moments that pepper our lives in the most unexpected ways!




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