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Showing posts from June, 2020

(सुलझी हुई पहेली)

मैने भीड में टटोलके देखा एक सन्नाटा सा था वहा। माथे से चिखती हुई चिलकारीयों मे ये नादान दिल गुंमसुम बैठा था। जिंदगी की रफतार बढती गयी खुदको खो बैठा में उस तेज हवाओ में एक पहिया छूट गया पीछे और में आगे खिचता गया आंधियो में। आंखे खुली तोह खुदको पाया बीच एक बडे बवंडर में खोखले वादे और झूठे रिषतो की अनगीनत ,नश्वर लकीरो में। आवाज तोह लगायी थी मैने चीखा-चिललया भी था.. कम्बखत क्या पता था मुझे की सन्नाटा भी बौखलाया था। फिर निकल पडा मै,ऊस थिरक्ती सैर पे। जहाँ थी सुलझी हुई पहेली विक्षोभ ने ले रखी थी वहा चुप्पी की अंगडाई... विक्षोभ ने ले रखी थी वहां चुप्पी की अंगडाई...... मनीषा पुरंदरे 16.6.2020 WGC

Kheema Paav /Pumpkin shaped

Social media ke side effects continue.. Just wanted to make a simple ,'kheema-pav" with some straightforward dessert.But just as I was retiring to bed last night this post popped up showing a glorious pumpkin bun!The colour was perfect,the outer texture was glistening and best of all it was made from all healthy stuff!! I could see my menu for today gradually getting a bit complex...! I decided to make the kheema stuffed buns in a shape of a pumpkin!!Didn't have the moulds for it , so decided to use a clean cooking string to sculpt the shape and voila! ,the beautiful parcels of flavour were ready!! 7.6.2020 WGC

Doodles (May 2020)

From the margins of my notebooks to the corners of my medical notes, 'the doodles' have been an integral part of me and my daily routines.. The long telephone conversations would result in a doodled corners of our telephone diary !The longer the lecture at college ,the more intricate would be the doodle curves! The dictionary meaning of "doodle"is to do nothing!How can it be nothing ? When one is very diligently trying to maintain the same distance between two lines, keeping the symmetry of the design, holding the equal number of dots on either side of a curved S and so an.. It's fun making stuff—you start with nothing and end up with something else. !!! #artyfarty!!