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Showing posts from 2020

Pastry, pies and paratha

Woke up this morning,yearning for a paratha. Hmmm,"shall i stuff it with muli,gobi chutney or batata?" In came the daughter ,said she likes her pastry spicy, So in went some spinach ,onions and green chillies so mighty!! The birthday boy my son, shared his pastry dilemma, "Why don't you make a sweet pastry for me my dear mumma?" "Oh ,I am ageing and need more protein," said my guilty healthy mind. So off came the paneer with it's prowess to bind!! My husband ,a cool cucumber that he is, Said,"Will have bit of everything ,be it coconut ,paneer or cheese! Right the menu was set , and a checklist done!! Started looking for my phone in places more than one!! Grabbed my photoprops some lemons and a plum.. To share these pictures on our lovely 'cook's forum!! To share these pictures on our lovely 'cook's forum!!. Maneesha Purandare 12.7.2020

Ray of hope

Ray of hope Walking in the woods , lost in the wilderness Plodding wearily in the barbed bushes  Murky thicket , engulfed in a smothered smoke Unfathomable forest leading to an  immeasurable walk. Rivers of trouble strewn all along Shadows of yesteryears haunting her along.  Whipping through the trees  Comes the spangling light Resplendent in its own way and spreading delight.  Aureate glow absorbing the darkness  Happiness now saddled in the protective harness. . Maneesha Purandare Welwyn Garden City  11.07.2015

(सुलझी हुई पहेली)

मैने भीड में टटोलके देखा एक सन्नाटा सा था वहा। माथे से चिखती हुई चिलकारीयों मे ये नादान दिल गुंमसुम बैठा था। जिंदगी की रफतार बढती गयी खुदको खो बैठा में उस तेज हवाओ में एक पहिया छूट गया पीछे और में आगे खिचता गया आंधियो में। आंखे खुली तोह खुदको पाया बीच एक बडे बवंडर में खोखले वादे और झूठे रिषतो की अनगीनत ,नश्वर लकीरो में। आवाज तोह लगायी थी मैने चीखा-चिललया भी था.. कम्बखत क्या पता था मुझे की सन्नाटा भी बौखलाया था। फिर निकल पडा मै,ऊस थिरक्ती सैर पे। जहाँ थी सुलझी हुई पहेली विक्षोभ ने ले रखी थी वहा चुप्पी की अंगडाई... विक्षोभ ने ले रखी थी वहां चुप्पी की अंगडाई...... मनीषा पुरंदरे 16.6.2020 WGC

Kheema Paav /Pumpkin shaped

Social media ke side effects continue.. Just wanted to make a simple ,'kheema-pav" with some straightforward dessert.But just as I was retiring to bed last night this post popped up showing a glorious pumpkin bun!The colour was perfect,the outer texture was glistening and best of all it was made from all healthy stuff!! I could see my menu for today gradually getting a bit complex...! I decided to make the kheema stuffed buns in a shape of a pumpkin!!Didn't have the moulds for it , so decided to use a clean cooking string to sculpt the shape and voila! ,the beautiful parcels of flavour were ready!! 7.6.2020 WGC

Doodles (May 2020)

From the margins of my notebooks to the corners of my medical notes, 'the doodles' have been an integral part of me and my daily routines.. The long telephone conversations would result in a doodled corners of our telephone diary !The longer the lecture at college ,the more intricate would be the doodle curves! The dictionary meaning of "doodle"is to do nothing!How can it be nothing ? When one is very diligently trying to maintain the same distance between two lines, keeping the symmetry of the design, holding the equal number of dots on either side of a curved S and so an.. It's fun making stuff—you start with nothing and end up with something else. !!! #artyfarty!!

Cooking mousakka

Welcome to the Purandares 'kitchen!! "Today we all decided to put in a team effort in cooking some dishes we love the most .Needless to say we unanimously zeroed down to Greek Cuisine! This being a ' world vegetarian week", we decided to rustle up a vegetarian version of "mousakka "(Greek and vegetarian??an oxymoron isn't it?) Gargi rolled up her sleeves, tied her hair (I am always telling her off about leaving her locks loose whilst cooking!!)and got chopping !! The next process of prepping the aubergines and potatoes began smoothly .The red lentils and "wonky mushrooms"very easily replaced the meat mince in the dish.The tomato puree, fresh herbs from Marias's garden jazzed up the dish beautifully!! In the other end of the kitchen Akshaj and Kiran quickly transformed the little dots of flavour aka the sesame seeds ( which were painstakingly sourced from Mala!)into a smooth,silky 'tahini paste' .The cycle of 'labour 'c...


Kyo chalti saasein aaj bhari ho gayi? Behete paseeno paani ki keeemat mil gayi Kyo aasma ro pada , is zameen ko paane? Aur yahan ,zameen tarasti rah usey sahalaane Chala pada tha manzeelo ko haseel karne, Uthta janaza uski raah ban gayi Uthta janaza uski rah ban gayi.. Maneesha Purandare 29.4.2020


Hope As one door closes the next one opens Dont know where it will lead to. My hopeful heart peeps through it And wanders into the vibrant blue! There was no gloom and doom inside, There wasn't any painful anguish in there. Harnessing were they the vibrant energy In the room and everywhere. Thoughtfulness, empathy and kindness Stood by each other in this moment of despair, Riding high was the sun of hope In a cloudless sky somewhere!! Riding high was the sun of hope In a cloudless sky somewhere!! Maneesha Purandare COVID-19 lockdown Day 8 30.3.2020

Hot air balloon

The balloon rises as the air heats up The fire underneath bellows it's might n mirth. We all soon glide smoothly up in the air, Reaching new heights in fun with flair. The sand dunes underneath cast a mighty picture, The mountains along with them making if richer. The stream watches as it runs it's course, Ridding the minds of regret and remorse. I feel free and happy like a gliding butterfly, Trancending me to different world within a blink of an eye. Trancending me to a different world within a blink of an eye. Trancending me to a different world within a blink of an eye. .... Maneesha Purandare Marrakech 23.12.2019 Add caption