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Showing posts from December, 2015

Thank you lord

Softness of the petals and the dew in it's arms  Azure of the sky with the luminous clouds The riverbanks studded with sprawling lush farms The birds twitter both silent and aloud . My kids with their gleaming smiles Cheerful and kind friends Diligent and caring partner Thank you mom and dad for bringing me into this world. Thank you Lord for gifting me with this precious gift of Life.... Dedicated to my friends & family

Inconsolable Love

Infatuated was she with his style and the looks. Her heart experiencing emotions unwritten in any of the books. Enthralled was she with his soft spoken nature Leaving an expression of pleasure in each and every of her feature. There was attraction, and a strong sense of affection . Enough to gather accolades and felicitation. Consumed with desire and captivated in love. Drenched in warmth and fondness from within above. Enamoured with love she fell in his arms Oblivious to  the farfetched danger alarms. Bewitched with admiration  and besotted  with wine. Loss of control was no longer confined. Such was the calamity and bigger was the distress. Her misconduct brought a blight on their happiness. The damage done by her deed was irreparable. Leaving fondness, warmth and  affection inconsolable. Leaving fondness , warmth and  affection inconsolable.... MKP WGC 25.12.15 Background. ..It's about a mistakes that we do in love and it's lo...

Dying fire of passion

Dying fire of passion Shut inside my room Shattering the window Here I was singing out your name Caring less about people around and afore Is it craziness or is it insanity? Is it witchcraft or a dark cast spell? I feel like a ship caught in a whirlwind Torn is the oyster from its shell. Sitting in the balcony,sobbing in the dark Crying out your name aloud Wishing you were here Waiting for your call like a lark. You asked me, " why does it have to be extreme?" "Why can't you be normal?" It's you and your personaa That sets this aria into a  phenomenal choral! I fight away these feelings hard Trying desperately  to stay aloof But in comes your magical thought Hey dear this is reality not a spoof. Ask me to stop , I shall freeze If you want me gone I shall leave. But don't do it so ruthlessly Have some pity on you and me.. Just tell me once that I meant atleast something toyou just for a fraction of a second or a relentless ...


लागली ठेच माझ्या पायआला तोंडून उफ़्फ़ देखील नाही आले स्वयंपाकातील चटके अलगदच झेलले संसाराच्या राहाट गाड्याचे अमुलाग्र चाक मी झाले भिंगरीच चक्र माझे आपसूकच फिरत राहिलं अगणित तुषारांनी भिजून देखील कोरडेच मन माझे पाण्याने तुडुंब  भरून देखील रिक्त हे घट माझे "शोना" अशा तुझ्या हुंकाराने चैतन्य दुथडी bharun वाहे कोणीतरी आपुले आहे सदैव  काळजी करायला मन हे घाली साद . दुसर्यांच्या    सुखदुखाआत bhaag घेण्याच लागलाय मला ध्यास Nip चित ह्या कायेला चिरंतन सुख lab हेय हळुवार बोल तुझे अजूनही मंत्रमुग्ध करती