In Oxford's hallowed halls, Gargi stood, Completing her Masters, she knew she could. Amidst gowns and mortar boards, happiness embrace, We beamed with pride,joy and love's grace. Biochemistry's challenge, once so tough, Now conquered with brilliance, more than enough. Latin echoed the traditions of old, A convocation ceremony to behold. Ruth and Jane, mentors wise, Their hearts warmed with joy in their eyes. Guidance invaluable, a precious gift, Helping Gargi's spirits lift. Akshaj, our dear son, with heart so sincere, Wanted to be there, his sister to cheer. But space restrictions at Sheldonian's gate, Kept him afar, a twist of fate In the company of friends, hearts aligned, Suvira, Sanjeev, Rishin, and Eashan intertwined. Their smiles and laughter, memories to treasure, A journey shared, a bond to measure. Yet amidst the joy, a tinge of sorrow, As time bid farewell, the end of tomorrow. A phase now closed, a chapter complete, But ahead lies a future, bright and...
Experiences penned in poetic form...