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Showing posts from July, 2023

The heavy corner of my ❤️

In Oxford's hallowed halls, Gargi stood, Completing her Masters, she knew she could. Amidst gowns and mortar boards, happiness embrace, We beamed with pride,joy and  love's grace. Biochemistry's challenge, once so tough, Now conquered with brilliance, more than enough. Latin echoed the traditions of old, A convocation ceremony to behold. Ruth and Jane, mentors wise, Their hearts warmed with joy in their eyes. Guidance  invaluable, a precious gift, Helping Gargi's spirits lift. Akshaj, our dear son, with heart so  sincere, Wanted to be there, his sister to cheer. But space restrictions at Sheldonian's gate, Kept him afar, a twist of fate In the company of friends, hearts aligned, Suvira, Sanjeev, Rishin, and Eashan intertwined. Their smiles and laughter, memories to treasure, A journey shared, a bond to measure. Yet amidst the joy, a tinge of sorrow, As time bid farewell, the end of tomorrow. A phase now closed, a chapter complete, But ahead lies a future, bright and...

The Auschwitz phase in life

In the tapestry of modern love we weave A delicate dance of hearts that cleave, Through highs and lows, we find our way, Like a symphony that we play each day. Yet, shadows loom, as they did before, In World War's grasp, emotions tore, Auschwitz phase, a symbol of despair, Where hearts were broken, beyond repair. In love, as in war, we often find, The value of treasures left behind, We take for granted, the love we share, Until it's lost, caught in the snare. Hitler's greed, a stark reflection, Of how power can lead to a soul's rejection, In modern ties, we sometimes yearn, For more than what our hearts can earn. But let us learn from history's tale, And in our love, let truth prevail, Seeking joy in what we hold dear, Embracing moments, free from fear. In the embers of modern love's embrace, Let empathy and compassion replace, The Auschwitz phase of doubt and greed, With lasting love, let hearts be freed Background.. Second world war wiped off families, places ...

The book lover spy kid!

 Today, in our waiting room, I was deeply impressed by a remarkable young child. Unlike other children of his age, he held a book in his hands and patiently awaited his turn to have his ears examined. His intelligence, courteousness, and wisdom were truly extraordinary, leaving such an indelible impression on me that I was inspired to pen a heartfelt poem dedicated to him. The book  reading ' spy kid!' In the waiting room, a kid sat, With left ear pain, quite the brat. But unlike others, a book he held tight, No iPad or mobile, his source of delight. Spy puzzles filled the pages, oh my! A clever little lad, oh so spry. With confidence, he breezed through each test, In the world of spies, he was the best. The doctor called, it was his turn, With wax in his ear, he was ready to learn. Microsuction awaited, a peculiar affair, But our fearless spy kid had not a single care. Into the room, he strolled with a smile, Spy gadgets hidden, his secret style. The doctor, impressed, couldn...