Sitting beside her closed door, Dreaming of days passed long ago, When he played about her knee Filling the air with childish glee, Tended by her with loving care, Knowing the blessing of a Mother's prayer. But now he has flown and left a hole in her heart . She feels neglected ,angry and hurt. She feels he is forgetful of her, Silently wipes a trickle of tear. She thinks he has forgotten her love Detached he feels from her all the more. Why can't she appreciate his strife to keep her happy? Why does she keep making him feel ever so guilty? There is always a thoughtful act from him. Appreciation from her ,the chances are slim!! The inate nature to see the negatives in things The instant urge to mark it with red writings! The constant whingeing with 'self pity' The vibe is always murky and and dead gritty. So self absorbed is her behaviour Is it sheer selfishness or just down to fear? Constantly upbraiding him and his spouse For even the nicest ges...
Experiences penned in poetic form...