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A naive Kashmiri rose ,once she was Now traded by her dad for the love of their nation. Getting over her needle phobia And firing a gun without hesitation!! She marries this tall and handsome armyman. Who wins her love than forcing it on her. And soon begins her life of espionage Based on deception and secrecy fervour!! She remains undeterred and unshaken Through all the life's ups and downs. Jotting down every minute details And sending a Morse code without a frown. Every little information she relayed stopped a major disaster. And with a kiss she betrayed her everloving master! And with a kiss she betrayed her everloving master! Maneesha Purandare 31.5.18 WGC

Glimmering marigolds

Glimmering Marigolds Through the tall windows the truth unfolds The golden lights glimmer like a  line of marigolds.. Tall buildings trying to reach the mighty sky Or the azure sphere dampening their wish to earn more kwai? Admiring was I ,the beautiful "Queens Necklace" Gently knitting was it, an aspirational plexus. In front of the tall windows was the expansive sea, Sometimes being very motherly and sometimes a fat bully! At the pinnacle stood the mighty,triumphant arch, Witnessing many dreams blossom or parch. Mumbai, the city with a spirit of gold, Sculpting many stories that were left untold! Sculpting many stories that were left untold! Maneesha Purandare 3.2.18 WGC


A kind and a very gentle man However complex matters, he would always understand. Would always be there supporting me as much as he can He never looked for praises He was never one to boast He sat in one corner Supporting us the most. He always reminded me to be confident and bold To fill any void with memories both warm and cold. I dreamt of him pulling me out of my sorrows Heartily wishing me the sunshine of tomorrow!! Dedicated to my dad(  the eternally soft spoken and loving man!!) Maneesha Purandare Pune 10.03.2016

Friends and party

Gamboling she entered, rolicking all the way Exuding fervor and enthusiasm in each possible way. She pranced around the hall impersonating her favourite star, Letting us into her world of fantasy through the door left ajar! In came she, sashaying in a long black dress.. Throwing some groovy moves with mirth and sleek finesse . Articulate and fluent was each of her spoken line. Laced with bubbly energy flowing freely through the mine. Sober and peaceful she sat in one corner But to the music she soon transformed into a diva, needing no warner!! Her humorous prance soon became the centre of the night Transforming the party into a playful and magical sprite. The party was full of joy , fun and a big shooting gallery Lucky was I to be a part of this cheery mirthful jamboree!! Lucky was I to be a part of this cheery mirthful jamboree!! Maneesha Purandare 6.1.18 WGC